Monday, December 28, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009
First off, a big apology 4 seemingly dropping off the blogosphere lately. Things have just been pure madness, but then again, Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without that little lacing of insanity.
I do hope it isn't too late to wish y'all a Merry X'mas. Here's 2 overflowing Christmas stockings, sticky Christmas puddings and creamy eggnogs. May your halls be filled with merry rings of laughter, accompanied by the scents of good cheer floating amidst the cacophony of unwrapping gifts....
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Feliz Navidad
Today’s Smile Inducer : Good company, good food, great laughs, memorable weekends. The past few days were a dream. Alas, like all dreams, one has to wake up. Not without cherish-able memories though :)
Christmas trees so tall you have to tilt your head way up. Wonder, joy and lightheartedness reflected in shiny red, gold and silver balls. The air echoes of Christmas carols and Christmas cheer so tangible you feel it slowly chipping at the ice in your heart and warming you right down to your little toe. There’s a mutual sharing of holiday joy ringing in the air, only to be punctuated by a joyful child’s giggle and the quick pitter patter of last minute Christmas shoppers. Oh, and there is this lingering scent of pine trees, chocolate, whipped cream and cookies nipping teasingly at your senses.
Christmas has definitely got to be my favourite time of the year. Can you believe it’s hardly a week more to Christmas?
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful – Norman Vincent Peale
Friday, December 18, 2009
Just Friends

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Use somebody

The phrase ‘use and throw’ used to be only limited to disposable items, eating utensils, toiletries, diapers, well, you get the picture. I must have been sleeping in an entirely foreign land and missed the moment the phrase applied to ‘friends’ too.
When I build friendships, I lay the founding bricks in small, hesitant pieces. But when I finally trust, I tend to go all in, full throttle, all or nothing. That is probably the reason why I’m always finding myself the victim of crash and burns, hit and runs.
At times I feel like confronting these tormentors of mine. “Hey! I know what you’re up to”. Truth is, I think I lack not the courage for confrontation but rather the strength to search alone again. I’m naïve enough to lay all my trust repeatedly in the person who takes it, that fragile little globe of feeling and crush it. And as I lay in the middle of the glittering splinters of my hopes and dreams, I see despair, desperation and knowledge that this would have happened through tear-blind eyes.
I’m tired of second-guessing intentions. I’m tired of trying to pry through the masks that people don. I need to know that when I lean in and whisper a secret, you’ll keep it in your heart, just like I would yours. I need to know that when I fall, you’d laugh with me, not at me. I need to know that when I reach out, blind in the dark, you’d be my eyes, ears and heart. I need to be stupid, but right for once.
Call me silly if you want to, I’m adamant to live my fantasy. That fantasy where people really, truly care for the person that I am, not what I can do for them. Rude awakenings will only harden my resolve. I’m stubborn enough to want to look at the glass as half full. Maybe it’s to my detriment that I prefer to find friends for keeps, not keep friends for use. Right now, I really could use somebody...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Just me

The crowd swelled around me , swirling and swishing in a kaleidoscope of colours, forms, emotions, thoughts. Swallowing me whole, I welcomed its cloak of anonymity. Lovers brushed past, two bodies stuck in a single soul, oblivious to the surroundings. There were tourists, cameras at the ready to put into tangible form what the mind would always remember. Little children zoomed past my ankles, dervishes in a blur of colourful dresses and quick feet.
It is at times like these that the anonymity of being in a crowd seduces me. In this sea of strangers, there exists no expectations, only a rare sort of acceptance. For in that one instant, I can cease being the diligent student, the girlfriend, the dutiful daughter, the listening ears and supporting shoulders. For one indulgent, selfish moment, I get to be me.
If you haven't really tried anything .. how can you say nothing works?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Candle in the Wind

Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Flattered, Honoured, Speechless

Today's Smile-Inducer : So urm, I got an award! Now, I’ve been hearing about people getting Best Blog Awards but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would someday get one...There are no words to describe how honoured I feel that Kathy a.k.a Mamarazzi of SmallKucing thinks I’m worthy of this award. Thank you so much ! Oh boy, now there’s the pressure to live up to it … haha
Oh, and the rules are :
1] Post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
[2] Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great!
So here’s my list of the blogs that I visit, browse and finally leave feeling awed, inspired, and happy. In no definite order...
- Fiona – one of the best girls I’ve had the privilege to know. We go way back
- Owl Order – his photography staggers me most times.
- Suituapui – I go there for my daily drools and visual meals.
- Caring is not only sharing - Love reading about the various escapades around Ipoh town, the food and the travels
- Mally – we went to the same kindy, primary and high school. Rode in the same bus for 5 years but NEVER talked. Till I found out about her blog recently. J She grew up to be really gorgeous! Both in and out.
- Eza – a lovely girl, die-hard romantic. Reading her blog leaves me feeling oozy, cozy.
- Juney June – another classmate recently discovered through the wonder that is the internet. Loved catching up on old times
- Cleffairy – tells it as it is. Lovely writing
- Jared – The Awesomesauce Times. Need I say more?
- Yi Wei – really insightful observations, thoughts and reflections. Reading her humbles me.
- Guo Zheng – very deep, very intellectual, very intelligent reflections on daily happenings
- Eyeris – I constantly pop by for reviews on books, movies and music. Yum!
- Gabriel – A whole ton of interesting stuff. Very devout too
- Joash – Spins really heartwarming tales. Future doctor no less !
- J2kfm – introduces lovely places to eat in good ole Ipoh .. and everywhere else too
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Twirls and Swirls

It was one of those days. He put on a record, releasing soft music into the lazy afternoon.
I looked up at him, shooting him a cheeky grin. Even then I knew I could have my way whenever I was with him.
“Dance with me. Teach me how.”
And so he took my small hands and clasped them in his large ones. Gathering me close, he counted softly in my ear “1,2,3,1,2,3 …. That’s all there is to it, follow the beat”
“Left foot forward, right foot back.”
“I can’t. I can’t keep up” I stumble and fall back, beginning to sulk.
With a chuckle he lifted me up on his toes and together we twirled around the room. Delighted, I laughed, a musical tinkle breaking the earlier solemnity.
“This is fun! Spin faster!” and so he did.
Grandma laughed at us then.
Dizzy, spent and tired, he set me down at last.
“One day you’re going to grow up and I bet you’re going to break some hearts too, my darling”
More than a decade later, I’ve grown up. I don’t know if I’ve broken any hearts along the way. But I do know one thing for sure. I broke yours. I’m sorry, but all I want is to dance on your toes again.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Of Body, Mind and Soul

Heavily made up, scantily clad, she stood out in a circle of ogling males, her smooth, translucent skin a magnet for lewd, suggestive stares. Basking in the attention, she parades more flesh, carefully painted lips tilting upwards in a cat’s smile of seduction.
“We’re having a promotion today sir … “ she purrs, the sly tease of a promise hidden in the unfinished sentence.
It constantly boggles me how the male of the species fall for such quick-fixes. Blatant in-your-face-sex-appeal is the death of enigma. Allure settles becomingly in elegance, attitude and poise. But what can I say? Sex sells, and marketers, geniuses that they are pounce on such opportunities.
There are two meals on the menu here. One is cheap, easily available, common, fast food. A dime a dozen. The other, a gourmet meal, the very scent of which entices the most jaded of connoisseurs. Which would you choose? The quick albeit filling bite, or an experience born to be sampled, explored, discovered. Textures to be savoured, hidden layers to be sought out, appreciated.
It is sad to admit that at times like these, I don’t blame men for degrading women. I mean, if you’ve already done such an excellent job out of it yourself, who’s going to listen when you wail “Gallantry is dead!” ?
This post was ‘inspired’ after a visit to the PC fair in KLCC today. No wonder people flock there by the dozens. Short skirts, bare tummies, skin tight uniforms, and cleavage enhancing tops were the theme of the party. Since when was it the motto of every sales rep to leave nothing more to the imagination? Verdict : At least you can’t complain that stuff there weren’t cheap…
World AIDS Day was Dec 1st (Ooops..sorry for the previous error ...thanks for pointing this out Cleffairy..). Far from being the panacea to AIDS, I thought it was only appropriate if I shared my thoughts in these 4 words . JUST Keep. It. Zipped !
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Dare you to jump

Today's Smile-Inducer : Courage. Courage should not be limited to the confines of a battlefield. It's in the little steps you suck in a breath at, close your eyes and finally plunge in, eyes wide open.
Battle weary and energy-sapped, I crawled into my sanctuary of oblivion to lick my wounds. Dug up a bar of chocolate and indulged in one of my guilty secrets…sappy romances. Watched A Walk to Remember for what must be the 50th time now. And well, let’s put it this way : the faucet leaked for the 50th time.
I don’t want empty promises and sweet nothings. I’m waiting for the love that resides in the cozy pages of female fantasies or the shimmery instruments of actors and actresses. Love that is capable of withstanding the test of time. Love, that is everything Disney has inscribed into the heads of little girls all around the world.
I want it to take on life, leap up, reach out for me, engulf and bury me in a tidal wave of ecstasy. The kind of love that is constant, patient, deeply-abiding. Rob me of all sane thoughts for fickle I may be, but hey, a girl can dream.
Someone once asked me. If you could be with The One for one day, and one day only.. would you give him your everything? I know now that a part of me would crash headfirst into the slimmest glimpse of happily ever after, even if ever after only lasts 24 hours...A fleeting illusion it may be, but fading memories are better than none. What say you?
So here’s my question. Would you trade in a day of your life or brazen through a lifetime of regrets and what ifs?
Friday, December 04, 2009
Call me cynical
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Uh oh

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Hey you,
I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to write. It’s exactly a year now since the day you left. Wow, time sure flies huh?
It took me a while to accept the reality that you were gone. That you were no longer a text message away. That I could no longer tease you before I sleep.
In the span of a year, I realize you’ve never really left. I see you in every doting brother, I hear you tapping to your favourite songs every time they go on air, I sense you in the camaraderie of family gatherings, I remember you in your favourite foods and your favourite places.
It no longer stabs me in the heart when you come back to me in these little things … well, at least not as badly. It’s comforting to know that I bring along a part of you with me everyday, the same way you took a part of me with you when you left.
Anniversaries are to be observed (if only to escape the wrath of your other half); birthdays are to be celebrated (you missed my 21st by the way… I painted the town a shade of purple for you), achievements to be toasted, festivals to be shared with special someones, but goodbyes … I refuse to believe they exist. There’s only till we meet again.
I’m offering you a prayer today. A prayer that peace will be yours to have at last. That you’d find fulfillment, contentment and the happiness that eluded you here.
I wish you’d stuck around longer to hear what I have to say now. I love you. We all do. But I think you knew that right? Till we meet again, promise you’ll tell me all about touring the galaxy and the milky way.
P/s : Say hi to poh poh and grandma for me will you?
Lots of love,
“Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.” - Eskimo Proverb
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009

- Handle With Care
- The Tenth Circle
- My Sister's Keeper
- Perfect Match
- Plain Truth
- Songs of the Humpback Whale
- Keeping Faith
- Mercy
- Harvesting the Heart
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Love Letters

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bollllllerrrro !

Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Treasure Mine

Monday, November 23, 2009
Thinking of you
Watching the X-Men Origins - Wolverine made me think of you. It was one of those moments when thoughts of you waft through my mind, catching me at times I least expect.
Watching your comic heroes battling on screen transported me back to that morning. Sleepy eyed and grumpy I awoke to find you already watching a movie in the room.
“What’s this?”
“X-Men ! … which coconut husk were you from anyway?”
“Well … I happen to have a really …. busy life !”
And that was how you started telling me about the action figures who graced the pages that coloured your childhood.
In your infinite patience for my dozens of interruptions for clarifications, I realized then .. here’s the elder brother I’ve always had.
“Oh my ! He self heals ??!! Coolio! “
“You didn’t know that? “ *chuckles*
If only all things could heal like that. I hope you’re doing fine up there with all your new friends. I know they’ll be special. Just like you and the heroes of your imagination.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Unfriendly? not necessarily so ....

Oxford defines "unfriend," a verb, thusly: "To remove someone as a 'friend' on a social networking site such as Facebook.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Being Gidon Kremer

The lights dimmed, casting an eerie glow of blue over one and all. Out of the shadows, a low voice boomed
"Just when you thought it was safe,
to go to the concert hall..*eerie chuckle*
in concert ... no one can hear you scream,
but whatever happens, don't fall asleep ...
or you will not survive...
From the producers of The Blairwitch Concert and
I Know What You Heard Last Summer ... "
and with that, 2 hours plus of bewitching entertainment ensued.

The night then blurred past *way too fast for me* in a colourful swirl of music and laughter punctuated with rapturous applause. Performances to note were the variations on a Nokia theme, Riverdancing Violinists, and the Mafia-esque interrogation of Gidon Kremer. I especially loved the part where Gidon Kremer was tested to resist temptation. There was this particular part where the air just rang with tangible passion. Acts like “The Recording Sketch” on the other hand, were brilliant ways of conveying pressing messages.
The brunette violinists taps the blonde and gestures to her watch. She smiles back and they both get up, walking, playing and just at the exit of the stage, wave back at the audience and smile. At the other end of the stage, the crew starts packing up … oh, there goes the Amazonian cellist , the percussionist packs up, and other members of the orchestra leave, arm in arm and in good cheer.
Igudesman and Joo never failed to impress and tickle with their endless medley of brilliant humour. Gidon Kremer lent a professionally serious air to the show. At the heart of all the light-hearted banter, the undercurrents were strong. Everything progressed around the theme of the lack of appreciation towards classical music especially amongst the younger, more modern set. It was interesting to see the meld and blend of the conservative and the contemporary.
Today's Smile-Inducer : All in all, it was one of the best virgin experiences of watching a live performance ensconced in the grandeur of the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
Incredulousness !!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I'm still alive
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
In the shadow of The Big Guy

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Silver Bells

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Today's Smile-Inducer : Seeking hidden treasures !!
Quickie : I just found out the library here stocks pretty good books ! Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, A.S Byatt, Iris Murdoch and Haruki Murakami to name a few. How could I have NOT realized this earlier ??!I'm gonna have my hands full..literally! Tee hee, very bittersweet way to end my tenure here. Dios mio ! Time..stop slipping through my fingers already !
I shall leave here with a line from this book I'm reading that made me laugh since it was kinda unconventional yet made so much sense
" Always remember to stick with the people who know they're flawed and ridiculous. " -Professor Absalom Widgett, from Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
As promised

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Today's Smile-Inducer : I owe this once again to the author of The Awesomesauce Times for making me do this meme. Excruciating but incredibly fun trying to get the pieces together! Much like a broken jigsaw puzzle :P
Jared tagged me so here is the post before I get consumed by the evil clutches of torturedom
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST,
cleverly answer these questions.
try not to repeat a song title.
it’s a lot harder than you think.
pick your artist:
Rascal Flatts
are you male or female:
Help Me Remember
describe yourself:
I Can Almost
how do you feel about yourself:
describe where you currently live:
Where You Are
if you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Take Me There
your favourite form of transportation:
Fast Cars and Freedom
your best friend is:
your favourite colour is:
The Glory of Life
what’s the weather like:
Praying for Daylight
favourite time of day:
While You Loved Me
if your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
I Was Born To
what is life to you:
Long Slow Beautiful Dance
what is the best advice you have to give:
Things That Matter
if you could change your name, what would it be:
No Reins
your favorite food is:
This Everyday Love
thought for the day:
how I would like to die:
Winner at A Losing Game
my soul’s present condition:
Break Away
my motto:
I tag Fiona, Wen Qi, Zhen Yuan, Wei Li, Guo Zheng and anyone else who wants to do this. Do leave me a link though :D
Picture from http://splitroads.tumblr.com/