Saturday, November 24, 2012

You look naughty but I'm sure you're nice

I want to see the world through your eyes,

To love unashamedly, 
Because therein lies true courage. 

To light up with life's simple pleasures, 
Because life can and is simple. 

To revel, run, laugh and play,
Because celebrations exist as long as the mind allows.

To forget pride, fear, self-doubt
Because only you are allowed to be you.

To only fall in hugs, kisses and gentle reassurances, 
Because those falls will catch and clutch you in security.

To remember honesty and treasured moments, 
Because living a lie, would be cheating Life. 

To never doubt that when you give, 
You're also giving back to yourself.

One day, when I step back into the shoes of the child I was and am, 
I will be that brave once again

And to my little inspirations, 
I'm not sure if you'll see this in the distant future, 
But I hope when your beliefs are challenged, 
You'll always remember this moment. 

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