Dear 2012,
In what seems like the blink of an eye, you're finally coming to a close, and whilst it's been a good year, it's also been a year rife with low dips and high peaks.
There's been a lot to commemorate this year. As the days weaved in and out, friendships were made and lost, love was found and reinforced, and we grew, oh how we all grew. Through the heartaches interspersed with the little successes, I'm no longer the girl I was at the start of the year. When all's been said and done, there are two important attitudes to have towards life. Gratitude and acceptance. So yes, I'm immensely grateful for all the wonderful, and I'm gradually learning to accept the things that I have no power to change.
Since we've gotten all sappy and reflective, here are a few snapshots of 2012
I said yes !!! *deep breaths* ( September 2012 )
Gave my room a facelift
Splurged on books at a book fair ( this stack grew, but I'm too ashamed to show the full collection *gulps*.. )
Got an award
Christmas 2012 ( my first away from family, but great company salved the homesickness )
In it all, thank you for the many sunsets, many bright mornings and many starlit nights. Cheers, and may 2013 bring about new discoveries, memories and experiences !