Today’s the day again. When pink and red heart shaped thingamajigs adorn various shop-fronts, overgrown teddy bears sit contentedly inside shop windows, covered in frilly, lacey strewn bits of God alone knows what. Flowers of every species and colour seem to bloom out of nowhere, their prices blooming up together with them. What’s all the fuss about? Two words. Valentine’s Day.
There are many versions of the story surrounding the birth of this very lovey-dovey day, but they all have the same theme. Celebrating Love. These days Valentine’s day has been so commercialized that we forget the reason it exists in the first place. It’s not a day limited to boyfriend-girlfriend or husband-wife relationships. It’s a day where people get together and celebrate love. Love for a friend, a brother, a sister, parents. A day where we humbly appreciate everyone in our life for being little parts that make you whole.
I have heard of people who get terribly, unbelievably down at the thought of Valentine’s Day simply because he or she doesn’t have a date when everyone else seems to receiving a truckload of flowers, gifts and chocolates. No offence, but isn’t that rather silly? Isn’t that egoistic? To want the whole world to know that you’re ‘loved’ just on ONE day? Isn’t that too showy? I mean seriously, if you get a whole bunch of flowers in the office, what the heck are you gonna do with it the rest of the day? Leave it on your desk to wilt? Stuff it in your water container?
Besides that, what’s the big deal if you don’t have a date for Valentine’s? It’s a day to commemorate love, is love merely limited to romantic relationships? What about family? Can’t you love your friends and those around you? Why the big hue and cry if you have to spend Valentine’s ‘alone’?
Love is not something to be exploited. Love is when a mother puts her life before her child’s. Love is when a dog defends its master regardless of its own safety. It’s when feelings defy the principle of maths and logic. It’s when one plus one becomes one, not two. Hearts beating in tandem. Love is not measured by how overstuffed the teddy bear is, or how big the bouquet of flowers are, or how many digits are on the tag of expensive trinkets. In truth, love is measured by how much you care. It’s sown in faith, watered in joy, and pruned with trust. It’s not cordoned off to how grand and showy one day can be, but by how much the other 364 days matter in the equation. Valentine’s can be everyday if you know how to value what it’s all about. Similarly, it can be just any other day if it’s callously ‘celebrated’.
There are many versions of the story surrounding the birth of this very lovey-dovey day, but they all have the same theme. Celebrating Love. These days Valentine’s day has been so commercialized that we forget the reason it exists in the first place. It’s not a day limited to boyfriend-girlfriend or husband-wife relationships. It’s a day where people get together and celebrate love. Love for a friend, a brother, a sister, parents. A day where we humbly appreciate everyone in our life for being little parts that make you whole.
I have heard of people who get terribly, unbelievably down at the thought of Valentine’s Day simply because he or she doesn’t have a date when everyone else seems to receiving a truckload of flowers, gifts and chocolates. No offence, but isn’t that rather silly? Isn’t that egoistic? To want the whole world to know that you’re ‘loved’ just on ONE day? Isn’t that too showy? I mean seriously, if you get a whole bunch of flowers in the office, what the heck are you gonna do with it the rest of the day? Leave it on your desk to wilt? Stuff it in your water container?
Besides that, what’s the big deal if you don’t have a date for Valentine’s? It’s a day to commemorate love, is love merely limited to romantic relationships? What about family? Can’t you love your friends and those around you? Why the big hue and cry if you have to spend Valentine’s ‘alone’?
Love is not something to be exploited. Love is when a mother puts her life before her child’s. Love is when a dog defends its master regardless of its own safety. It’s when feelings defy the principle of maths and logic. It’s when one plus one becomes one, not two. Hearts beating in tandem. Love is not measured by how overstuffed the teddy bear is, or how big the bouquet of flowers are, or how many digits are on the tag of expensive trinkets. In truth, love is measured by how much you care. It’s sown in faith, watered in joy, and pruned with trust. It’s not cordoned off to how grand and showy one day can be, but by how much the other 364 days matter in the equation. Valentine’s can be everyday if you know how to value what it’s all about. Similarly, it can be just any other day if it’s callously ‘celebrated’.