Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The coming of age

There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents ... and only one for birthday presents, you know.Lewis Carroll

18 years and a day ago, a squalling, pink, pruned-skin baby was brought into this world. Her parents named her Joanna, from the Bible. Anyway, this baby grew up to be a cheeky toddler, showered with love and attention by those around her. She had to be chased round and under the dining table by mummy and daddy because she didn’t want to go to pre-school. Grandpa and grandma spoiled her silly too. With cat-naps in the afternoon and dancing on grandpa’s toes on cool evenings.

She soon started primary school and there she met friends of gems who sprinkled fairy dust in her days and coloured her life. Progressing into secondary school, these friends remained dear and special to her. It was here where she started her journey of self-discovery, exploring depths and reached heights she never touched before.

Now, 18 years and a day later, she celebrated her first birthday away from home. It was truly an experience. Sweet wishes came from even sweeter people even before midnight. Thanks you guys. Miss you so so much. Anyway, that little girl is now of the ‘legal’ age. She can now drink alcohol, buy cigarettes, go for 18 rated movies, and get strangled by mum. Besides, she won’t qualify for juvenile jail anymore. What morbid thoughts.

Anyway, that was a very lame and concise version of my life’s story. My 18th birthday was certainly no fanfare. I went swimming and got ‘tortured’ by the seniors. Well, at least I got a lot of exercise ! So no complaints. Life in college sure ain’t a bed of roses.

Today’s my first day being 18. People asked me how I spent my birthday, so here’s my answer. I spent my birthday with a super hot date. It was vital that I spend more time with the said date because time was of the essence. I wouldn’t say it was a fun date, because knowledge was the theme of it. If I’ve managed to pique your interest into unraveling the identity of this mysterious birthday date, I shall not torture you anymore. This dazzling, not-so-charming, not-very-interesting date is a healthy, well-built, heavy, juicy book who goes by the name…….’Programming in Visual Basic ! ‘ You see, yesterday morning, my lecturer told us we would be given a test next week, which generated a flurry of panicked activity. Books which were previously left untouched were opened and flicked through in a hurry. People were trying to stuff as much information as the human brain can accommodate in the shortest period of time. This morning however, my ‘kind’ lecturer informed us that the test would be postponed. Maybe that’s my belated birthday gift then. ‘Phew’

I’ve got a case of writer’s block right now, so I guess I should sign off before I put you into a junk-induced coma.



Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! 18 years old now. When I said go spoil yourself silly, having a date with VB is not what I had in mind. Oh well, at least it's not Java or C++.

Joanna said...

haha, thanks. Well, VB wasn't exactly what I planned either. Stocked up on so much red paint to go paint the town, wasted... Too bad the lecturer dropped the bomb way too early. C++ is coming soon. Heard it's a killer. (At least that's what the 'helpful' guy told us during the first 15 mins of the 1st class)

Henry Yew said...

Happy 18th Birthday!

Haha, dealing with VB is certainly better than C++ or Java. I dealth with VB before, and believe me, it's nothing like C++ or Java.

Pui Yee said...

hey Joanna! Happy belated birthday!!! *hugs* It's been a while since I last talked to you...hope you're doing great. =)

Anonymous said...

Ok, since you're gonna be facing C++ soon, here's a link that can help you get started.