Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Insanity is us

I think a lot of people would have read about the latest way to make a sale, or close a deal. You see, supermarkets tend to package stuff together when you get something. Buy one, free one. Isn't that what garners the most attention after all?

I wonder how many of you read the article in The Star, the one highlighting the desperate attempts of insurance agents, or companies to sell their premiums and hit quotas. Do go here for the complete article, but I just wanted to quote something that irked me so much when I read it. 

Sources told the newspaper that the female agents were recruited among divorcees, single mothers or those helping their boyfriends repay debts.

It baffles me how women, or at least some of them,  can be so idiotic when it comes to relationships. I really don't see why some of them would stoop so low and resort to these desperate measures just to get a little bit of money. Is your self worth, and dignity measured only by the number of premiums you sell? Worst of all, selling oneself to repay debts for boyfriends ?! I mean, ditch the guy, get a life, or just get a brain


suituapui said...

I agree with you 100%!!! Why stick around with losers? Must be pretty desperate to hang on to guys who can't even manage their finances - bet he'll mess up the family and the home, BIG time!

ladyviral said...

Such disgrace to female kind... if you say husband I probably won't say anything... afterall it is husband but no husband would allowed their wives to stoop so low anyway.

Based on the article... does it mean insurance companies are selling sex? Or could this be a con "insurance" company. Claim to be insurance company but are really a hidden agenda behind it?

smallkucing said...

that's why there is a saying that goes Love is Blind

Joanna said...

STP : It's hard to fathom what some people are thinking...sigh !

LadyViral : Haha. Probably the business is a little shady ... Hard to say with the number of agencies promising all sorts of things these days

Kathy : How true !!

owl_order said...

well, for me, i think the boyfriends are bigger losers than the girlfriends. at least the gfs are making money.

not in a position to sneer though, i have no idea what will happen to me in the future. who knows i'll turn into a loser (if i'm not already one haha)

Joanna said...

Heyz! You're first person to comment from that perspective ! It's true though isn't it? ...

P.s : You're not a loser!! And never will be ! =)

owl_order said...

well as people say, it's easier to turn into losers than into winners. thanks for the encouragement anyway =D