Today's Smile-Inducer : Being fitter than I thought I was...dragging 2 bags about as heavy as I am down the road, catching a taxi alone and donkey-ing the bags on the LRT was no mean feat! Oh, how I wanted to sit by the roadside, bags by my side ala vagabond and play the whole damsel in distress thing ...
After clearing, packing and dismantling shelves for 2 consecutive days, late night celebrations, 2 birthday celebrations and hours of backbreaking, I find myself sitting in the middle of jam packed KL central, calmly sipping overpriced coffee whilst everyone around me bustles about doing something. It hits me then, I've ended my tenure here in KL.
Leaving my room this morning was harder than I thought it would be. Locking the door for the last time, the realization hit me that I wouldn't be coming through them ever again. No more "Urgh, I hate this room! Why is it so HOT here?". Never again can I complain about my monkey ancestors paying me visits (not that I'm complaining about that..).
Sitting across a bunch of working adults earlier during lunch made me miss my classmates so much. I'm getting a serious case of the Peter Pan syndrome. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really don't think I'm ready to face the dragon, tigers and the wild unknown. I'm just a little girl lost in a world which has suddenly grown bigger, meaner and way more foreign :(
On a brighter note, I'll be reunited with my storybooks soon. I'm anxious to return to the world where imagination pulls up the best surprises and I'm able to reject reality when it gets too hard to bear and come back to comfort, to family, to life.