- Handle With Care
- The Tenth Circle
- My Sister's Keeper
- Perfect Match
- Plain Truth
- Songs of the Humpback Whale
- Keeping Faith
- Mercy
- Harvesting the Heart
Watching the X-Men Origins - Wolverine made me think of you. It was one of those moments when thoughts of you waft through my mind, catching me at times I least expect.
Watching your comic heroes battling on screen transported me back to that morning. Sleepy eyed and grumpy I awoke to find you already watching a movie in the room.
“What’s this?”
“X-Men ! … which coconut husk were you from anyway?”
“Well … I happen to have a really …. busy life !”
And that was how you started telling me about the action figures who graced the pages that coloured your childhood.
In your infinite patience for my dozens of interruptions for clarifications, I realized then .. here’s the elder brother I’ve always had.
“Oh my ! He self heals ??!! Coolio! “
“You didn’t know that? “ *chuckles*
If only all things could heal like that. I hope you’re doing fine up there with all your new friends. I know they’ll be special. Just like you and the heroes of your imagination.
Oxford defines "unfriend," a verb, thusly: "To remove someone as a 'friend' on a social networking site such as Facebook.
The lights dimmed, casting an eerie glow of blue over one and all. Out of the shadows, a low voice boomed
"Just when you thought it was safe,
to go to the concert hall..*eerie chuckle*
in concert ... no one can hear you scream,
but whatever happens, don't fall asleep ...
or you will not survive...
From the producers of The Blairwitch Concert and
I Know What You Heard Last Summer ... "
and with that, 2 hours plus of bewitching entertainment ensued.
The night then blurred past *way too fast for me* in a colourful swirl of music and laughter punctuated with rapturous applause. Performances to note were the variations on a Nokia theme, Riverdancing Violinists, and the Mafia-esque interrogation of Gidon Kremer. I especially loved the part where Gidon Kremer was tested to resist temptation. There was this particular part where the air just rang with tangible passion. Acts like “The Recording Sketch” on the other hand, were brilliant ways of conveying pressing messages.
The brunette violinists taps the blonde and gestures to her watch. She smiles back and they both get up, walking, playing and just at the exit of the stage, wave back at the audience and smile. At the other end of the stage, the crew starts packing up … oh, there goes the Amazonian cellist , the percussionist packs up, and other members of the orchestra leave, arm in arm and in good cheer.
Igudesman and Joo never failed to impress and tickle with their endless medley of brilliant humour. Gidon Kremer lent a professionally serious air to the show. At the heart of all the light-hearted banter, the undercurrents were strong. Everything progressed around the theme of the lack of appreciation towards classical music especially amongst the younger, more modern set. It was interesting to see the meld and blend of the conservative and the contemporary.
Today's Smile-Inducer : All in all, it was one of the best virgin experiences of watching a live performance ensconced in the grandeur of the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas.